radsafer - Radiation Safety
Provides functions for radiation safety, also known as
"radiation protection" and "radiological control". The science
of radiation protection is called "health physics" and its
engineering functions are called "radiological engineering".
Functions in this package cover many of the computations needed
by radiation safety professionals. Examples include: obtaining
updated calibration and source check values for radiation
monitors to account for radioactive decay in a reference
source, simulating instrument readings to better understand
measurement uncertainty, correcting instrument readings for
geometry and ambient atmospheric conditions. Many of these
functions are described in Johnson and Kirby (2011, ISBN-13:
978-1609134198). Utilities are also included for developing
inputs and processing outputs with radiation transport codes,
such as MCNP, a general-purpose Monte Carlo N-Particle code
that can be used for neutron, photon, electron, or coupled
neutron/photon/electron transport (Werner et. al. (2018)